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CB Technology’s in-house “tuck shop” raised £2200 for Children’s Hospices Across Scotland

Written by Mozma Ahmed | 3/21/22 1:05 PM

Each year the CB Technology team make every effort to give back by fundraising for a chosen charity. We are so delighted that CHAS, Children’s Hospices Across Scotland, was our chosen charity in 2021 – a charity who has been offering a full family support service for over 20 years to babies, children, and young people with life-shortening conditions.

The employees at CB Technology raised a grand total of £2200 and as a company we also donated £250 in lieu of sending Christmas cards to our customers.

How CB Technology fundraised
CB Technology employees, Ivy Stewart and Tracey Kerr, organised an in-house “tuck shop” – selling snacks and lunch time treats to colleagues – and over the past 12 months the tuck shop raised £2200 for charity.

We at CB Technology love to come together as a community to help raise awareness and support these great charities in what they do, and to support our community in what’s close to our hearts.

Ivy Stewart, CB Technology employee says:

“The reason why I started fundraising was to help sick kids with cancer – initially I started it to help a young girl called Tilly Simpson back in 2018 who had brain cancer and that’s how it all kicked off and we all tried to raise as much money to help her.”

“Since 2018 we have just carried on helping CHAS and making donations.”

“CB Technology have been really supportive over the years to help the sick kids.”

CB Technology’s Senior Sales and Business Development Manager, Graeme Robertson, says:

“I personally appreciate that CB Technology have decided to support this cause as it means a lot to me but more importantly a massive amount to the parents and children I have met over the years facing the most harrowing and difficult times of losing their child.”



If you want to find out more about our chosen charity you can find all the information and donate here.